Returns and Refunds

You have 14 days from receipt of our shipment to return, for whatever reason, all goods ordered on 

To request a return, simply :

- Connect to your account (upside your screen on the right)

- Choose "Order historyand returns"

- Click on "Return"

- Print the document, where all instructions are given, and include it in your shipping.

No "Return" button with your order means time for return is up.

You can then return, at your own expenses, the goods in their original packaging and, needless to say, in perfect condition for resale, to the following address:

Claris Virot

25, rue de l'Annonciation

75116 Paris - France

Returns are not possible on customized bags. Shipping expenses are not refund.

You can reach Claris Virot Customer Services:

-        Either by email at:

-        Or telephone: (33.1).9 81 21 73 53

Refunds for returned goods are issued within a maximum of 5 days from receipt of said goods

…but once you experience the luxury of a Claris Virot product you’ll never want to give it back!